One big /8

I thought I’d take  break from Cisco Live to relive some memories in another Netstalgia.

Working in product management at a Cisco business unit, we are constantly talking about the latest and greatest, the cutting edge of technology.  It’s easy to forget how many customers out there are nowhere near the cutting edge.  They’re not near any edge at all.  When I worked at a Gold partner, I got to see all sorts of customer networks in a variety of states.

I remember one customer who ended up spending a lot of money with my company.  They were (and are) a major grocery chain in the United States.  They had reached a point when their network was grinding to a halt, and they needed help.  They had two overworked network engineers running things, and I remember being amused that their company policy required them to wear ties in the office.  This was not a financial company in San Francisco, but a discount grocery chain in a very relaxed part of the East Bay.  Anyways, they had hosts dropping off the network, performance problems, and their mainframe kept losing contact with its default gateway.

Walking in to these kinds of situations, you’re never sure what you might find.  Oftentimes the problems aren’t clear and the customer gets frustrated with their hired gun.  In this case, the very affable in-house engineers were thrilled to have experienced help.  They explained to me that the entire network, a large corporate office and countless stores, were on a single /8 network.  Only the on-site data center had a separate subnet.  Even the remote sites were in the /8!!

It got worse.  The stores were connected to HQ with IPSec VPN, but the hardware VPN devices they were made by a company that no longer existed.  The devices kept failing, and one of the network engineers had a stock of them he had purchased on eBay.  He amazingly was using his electronics skills to perform component-level repairs on the devices, cannibalizing parts from the eBay stash, which enabled him to stretch the stash longer than if he had simply swapped them.

My favorite was the data center.  The mainframe was sending constant pings to its default gateway, which would occasionally drop packets, in which case the mainframe would declare the gateway dead.  I found out that the default gateway was none other than a 2500-series router.

An old 2503 router

Even in 2009, this router was ancient history.  It had an old AUI connector on it which was nearly falling out.  In their 100 Mbps environment, they were limited to 10 Mbps.  I seem to recall it was doing router-on-a-stick on that interface, hairpinning traffic, but I don’t think the 2500 could do subinterfaces, so I may be wrong.  Anyways, the poor little 2500 was being slammed by traffic and dropping packets from time-to-time.

The ubiquitous CentreCOM AUI 10Base-T transceiver

I spent months at the client.  We designed a subnet scheme, renumbered their network, installed ASAs for IPSec, cut over all the stores, and put some high-end switches in the data center.  They were a grateful client, never complained, and I was able to make a genuine improvement in the lives of their users.  Unlike that other client I wrote about before.

I have a lot of bad memories of working for that partner, but one of the most interesting things was walking into so many different customers’ worlds, seeing what they dealt with every day, the mistakes they had made in building their networks, and helping them out by fixing those mistakes.