TAC Tales #14: Stuck in Active

Everyone who’s worked in TAC can tell you their nightmare case–the type of case that, when they see it in the queue, makes them want to run away, take an unexpected lunch break, and hope some other engineer grabs it.  The nightmare case is the case you know you’ll get stuck on for hours, on a conference bridge, escalating to other engineers, trying to find a solution to an impossible problem.  For some it’s unexplained packet loss.  For others, it’s multicast.  For me, it was EIGRP Stuck-in-Active (SIA).

Some customer support engineers (CSEs) thought SIA cases were easy.  Not me.  A number of times I had a network in total meltdown due to SIA with no clue as to where the problem was.  Often the solution required a significant redesign of the network.

As a review, EIGRP is more-or-less a distance-vector routing protocol, which uses an algorithm called DUAL to achieve better performance than a traditional DV protocol like RIP.  I don’t want to get into all the fun CCIE questions on the protocol details, but what matters for this article is how querying works.  When an EIGRP neighbor loses a route, it sets the route as “Active” and then queries its neighbors as to where the route went.  Then, if the neighbors don’t have it, they set it active and query their neighbors.  If those neighbors don’t have the route active, they of course mark it active and query their neighbors.  And so forth.

It should be obvious from this process that in a large network, the queries can multiply quite quickly.  If a router has a lot of neighbors, and its neighbors have a lot of neighbors, the queries multiply exponentially, and can get out of control.  Meanwhile, when a router sets a route active, it sets a timer.  If it doesn’t get a reply before the timer expires, then the router marks the route “Stuck In Active”, and resets the entire EIGRP adjacency.  In a large network with a lot of neighbors, even if the route is present, the time lag between sending a query and getting a response can be so long that the route gets reset before the response makes it to the original querying router.

I’ve ironed out some of the details here, since obviously an EIGRP router can lose a route entirely without going SIA.  For details, see this article.  The main point to remember is that the SIA route happens when the querying route just doesn’t get a response back.

Back in my TAC days, I of course wasn’t happy to see an SIA drop in the queue.  I waited to see if one of my colleagues would take the case and alleviate the burden, but the case turned blue after 20 minutes, meaning someone had to take it.  Darn.

Now I can show my age, because the customer had adjacencies resetting on Token Ring interfaces.  I asked the customer for a topology diagram, some debugs, and to check whether there was packet loss across the network.  Sometimes, if packets are getting dropped, the query responses don’t make it back to the original router, causing SIA.  The logs from the resets looked like this:

rtr1 - - TokenRing1/0
Sep 1 16:58:06: %DUAL-3-SIA: Route stuck-in-active state in IP-EIGRP(0) 55555. Cleaning up
Sep 1 16:58:06: %DUAL-5-NBRCHANGE: IP-EIGRP(0) 55555: Neighbor (TokenRing1/0) is down: stuck in active
Sep 1 16:58:07: %DUAL-5-NBRCHANGE: IP-EIGRP(0) 55555: Neighbor (TokenRing1/0) is up: new adjacency

This is typical of SIA.  The adjacency flapped, but the logs showed no particular reason why.

I thought back to my first troubleshooting experience as a network engineer.  I had brought up a new branch office but it couldn’t talk back to HQ.  Mike, my friend and mentor, showed up and started pinging hop-by-hop until he found a missing route.  “That’s how I learned it,” he said, “just go one hop a time.”  The big clue I had in the SIA case was the missing route:  I started tracing it back, hop-by-hop.

I found that the route originated from a router on the edge of the customer network, which had an ISDN PRI connected.  (Showing my age again!)  They had a number of smaller offices that would dial into the ISDN on-demand, and then drop off.  ISDN had per-minute charges and thus, in this pre-VPN era, it was common to setup ISDN in on-demand mode.  ISDN was a digital dial-up technology with very short call setup times.  I discovered that, as these calls were going up and down, the router was generating /32 peer routes for the neighbors and injecting them into EIGRP.  They had a poorly designed network with a huge query domain size, and so as these dial peers were going up and down, routers on the opposite side of the network were going into active on the route and not getting responses back.

They were advertising a /16 for the entire 172.16.x.x network, so sending a /32 per dial peer was totally unnecessary.  I recommended they enable “no peer neighbor-route” on the PRI to suppress the /32’s and the SIAs went away.

I hate to bite the hand that feeds me, but even though I work at Cisco I can say I really never liked EIGRP.  EIGRP is fast, and if the network is designed well, it works fine.  However, networks often grow organically, and the larger the domain, the more unstable EIGRP becomes.  I’ve never seen this sort of problem with OSPF or ISIS.  Fortunately, this case ended up being much less problematic than I expected, but often these cases were far nastier.  Oftentimes it was nearly impossible to find the route causing the problem and why it was going crazy.  Anyhow it’s always good to relive a case with both Token Ring and ISDN for a double case of nostalgia.

TAC Tales #4: Airline Outage

I don’t advertise this blog so I’m always amazed that people even find it. I figured the least-read articles on this blog were my “TAC Tales,” but someone recently commented that they wanted to see more… Well, I’m happy to oblige.

The recent events at United reminded me of a case where operations were down for one of the major airlines at Miami International Airport. It didn’t directly impact flight operations, but ticketing and baggage handling systems were down. Naturally, it was a P1 and so I dialed into the conference bridge.

This airline had four Cat 6500’s acting as their core devices for the network. The four switches had vastly disparate configurations, both hardware and software. I seem to recall one of them was running a Supe 1 module, which was even old in 2007 when I took the case. There was a different software version on each of them.

EIGRP was acting funny. As a TAC engineer in the routing protocols team, I absolutely hated EIGRP. EIGRP Stuck-In-Active was my nightmare case. It was always such a pain to track down the source, and meanwhile you’d have peers resetting all over the place. OSPF doesn’t do that, nor ISIS. I once got in a debate on an internal Cisco alias with some EIGRP guys. Granted, I had insulted their life’s work, but I stated that EIGRP was fast, but unreliable and prone to meltdown. Their retort was that properly designed EIGRP networks do not melt down. Great, but when are networks ever properly designed? They are so often slapped together haphazardly, grow organically, and overall need to be resilient when even when unplanned. Of course, those of us in design and architecture positions do our best to build highly available networks, but you don’t want to be running a protocol that flips out when a route at some far end of the network disappears. Anyhow…

The adjacencies on all four boxes were resetting constantly. It was totally unstable. Every five minutes or so, some manager from the airline would hop on the bridge to tell us that they were using handwritten tickets and baggage tags, that lines at the ticket counters were going out the door, etc, etc. Because that really helps me to concentrate. I tried to troubleshoot the way TAC engineers are trained to troubleshoot: collect logs, search for bugs in the relevant software, look for configuration issues. With routing adjacency flaps on switches, always check for STP issues. I couldn’t figure it out.

Finally some high-level engineer for the airline got on the phone and took over like a five-star general. He had his ops team systematically shut down and reset the switches, one at a time. The instability stopped. Wish I’d thought of that.

The standards for a routing protocol like OSPF are written by slow-moving committees, and hence don’t change much. These committees often have members from multiple competing vendors who disagree on exactly what should be done, and even when they do agree, nothing happens fast in IETF committees. Conversely, Cisco owns EIGRP, and they can change it as much as they want. Even their internal committees are nowhere near as bureaucratic as IETF. This means that there can be significant changes in the EIGRP code between IOS releases, much more so than for OSPF, and it is thus vital to keep code revisions amongst participating routers fairly close.

In this case, the consulting engineers for the airline helped them to standardize the hardware and software revisions. They never re-opened the case.